Parent & Family Engagement/
Classical Charter Schools of Wilmington Booster Club

Parent & Family Engagement Plan

The purpose of the PIC is to:

  • Support, encourage, and enhance meaningful parental involvement within Classical Charter Schools of Wilmington including, outreach to parents who find involvement more challenging
  • Support student success
  • Help raise additional money for Classical Charter Schools of Wilmington’s Booster Club through fundraising
  • Organize events that help show support and unity for Douglass Academy
  • Increase volunteerism to enhance student success

Be generous with praise

Observe your child carefully and comment on the things that are done well. When you see an area that needs improvement, find a positive way to talk about it with your child.

Encourage “personal best”

Help your child by encouraging him or her to do the best in school and at home. Remember, “personal best” does not mean “perfect”, and learning is not the same as high grades. Children, like adults, need the freedom to make mistakes and to learn from them.

Make learning a priority

Your attitude toward school attendance, education and involvement in the school makes a strong and lasting impression on your child. Show your child, by example, that learning is a priority.

Show interest in school work

  • Talk about school each day.
  • Ask to see classwork.
  • Have your child read aloud to you.
  • Read to and with your child from a variety of material in your first language.
  • Encourage your child to discuss new ideas and opinions.
  • Show appreciation for good efforts.

Offer suggestions for success

Help your child use the following strategies to improve performance in school:

  • Read the assignment when it is given.
  • Keep a list of new vocabulary.
  • Proof read assignments to catch errors before writing a final draft.
  • Review notes before a test.

Schedule study time

Set up an area for homework away from noise and distractions. Post a family calendar that schedules school project deadlines, after-school activities, mid-term dates, exam periods and report card dates.

Support 100 percent attendance

Some kinds of absences are unavoidable, but taking students out of school unnecessarily is disruptive for learning.

Help set goals

At the beginning of each term, help your child identify three or four goals. Put the goals where they can be frequently seen. (The refrigerator is always an excellent spot.) Make sure the goals are specific.

Get involved

Attend school activities such as open houses, parent/teacher interviews and School Council meetings. When your children see you involved, they will also see education as a high priority. Interpreters are available for parent interviews.

Make direct contact with the school

Try to make early and positive contact with your child’s teacher. We encourage you to visit the school or phone your child’s teacher with any questions or concerns.

For more information:

Headmaster Leslie Smith –

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